MD Preferred Recognizes
Julie Smith
Each year, US Medical Specialties, Inc., an international medical consulting firm, helps physicians and other healthcare professionals find community based, “doctor friendly” real estate professionals. Julie Smith of Coldwell Banker Realty has been recognized by MD Preferred Services for the ten consecutive years for her service to physicians.
Every MD Preferred affiliated professional is recognized for their commitment to serving the healthcare industry. They often work in close concert with other community based professionals helping area medical providers attract and retain talented physicians and medical staff. Realtors that display the MD Preferred Service Medallion are uniquely qualified to act as recruiting partners to area practice managers and hospital administrators. These knowledgeable professionals can tell the community story while the medical recruiter focuses on the clinical opportunity. Their understanding of the special needs of physicians and their families saves everyone time and resources.”
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 700,000 physicians in the United States who work in excess of 60 hours per week. A blizzard of government regulations and a host of clinical and economic issues leave little time for a doctor to manage their professional and personal lives. When it comes to finding a provider that is committed to working with physicians, they appreciate a resource that has done the research for them and has pulled a team together to make their lives easier.
An enthusiastic drive for her client’s success, an established knowledge and understanding of the North Atlanta Metro area, and a keen ability to determine the specific needs of her clients are just a few of Julie Smith’s assets as a real estate agent. Those hoping to buy or sell a home can depend on Julie’s hard work and dedication. She is a Certified Military and Relocation Specialist both on the buying and selling sides. Working with Julie, you can rest assured that your transaction will be completed smoothly and efficiently. Her attention to detail, along with her genuine concern for the interests of her clients, truly makes her skill set as a Realtor® complete. The basic principles that Julie focuses on in her work are flexibility and trustworthiness. She caters to the needs of her clientele, leaving them with a sense of confidence and reassurance in their transaction.
“We are proud of the recognition we have received. In an environment of critical physician shortage, we understand that most physicians considering a career in our community will make their decision based partly on life style issues. The last thing we want to have happen is for that prospective physician to go elsewhere because the local support services he or she needed were not available, were unreliable or did not meet the expectations of the physician.” – Julie Smith